Absent From Meeting:
Stacey Selleck, Region 8
Darlene Underwood, Region 10 (Excused)
Karl Dickey, Region 13
- Appointment of Rob Lapham to Chair of the Platform Committee passed without objection.
- Omar Recuero Motioned to move the remaining Johnson/Weld funds. Seconded by Ryan Ramsey. Alison Foxall motioned to postpone indefinitely seconded by Joshua Folsom. Motion to postpone passed unanimously.
- Suzanne Gilmore Motioned to Donate Balance of the LPF Gary Johnson Fund to the Johnson Campaign. James Campbell made a motion to table pending confirmation of the campaign’s ability to accept the donation. Motion received no second and Mr. Campbell withdrew the motion. Suzanne Gilmore motioned to amend, seconded by Raquel Okyay. Amendment passed unanimously. Main motion as amended passed with one “Nay” vote.
- Omar Recuero moved the following resolution: Resolution by the LPF regarding investigation allegations. Seconded by Char-Lez Braden. Motion failed. There were 2 “Ayes” and Char-Lez Braden abstained.
- Suzanne Gilmore for the Legislative Review Committee Motioned to Support SB 140 and to Release Press Report. Alison Foxall seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
- Steven Nekhaila Motioned to officially support license plate frame clarification resolution. Seconded by Joshua Folsom. Motion passed unanimously.