Standing Rules

Libertarian Party of Florida, Inc.
Standing Rules, as revised March 19, 2023

ARTICLE I Membership


Section 1. The LPF shall supervise the efforts to provide party registration under state and federal voting laws.


Section 2. Members registered for the meetings have the privilege as a delegate voting at the Annual Business Meeting, the right of appointment to committees, the right to attend committee meetings as observers or witnesses, the right to nomination and election to party office, and the right to nomination to a office for which they are qualified by law.


Section 3. This membership shall be credentials for all meetings and Annual Business Meetings of the LPF and for membership in local affiliates, subject to procedures adopted by the county affiliates.


Section 4. The Membership Committee shall act to coordinate volunteers,


Section 5. LPF members who wish to run for partisan public office automatically satisfy all party affiliation requirements in section 99.021(1)(b), Florida Statutes.


ARTICLE II Donations


Section 1. Donations should be made to the LPF in keeping with the laws governing donations to political parties and candidates. Such funds shall be expended at the discretion of the Executive Committee.


Section 2: “The Executive Committee shall have authority to raise and expend funds for purposes relating to party business, in accordance with the party Bylaws, Article IV.


Section 3. The Executive Committee may delegate authority to the Chair to expend funds relating to party business.


Section 4a. – The Treasurer shall account for the amount due and disperse the affiliate’s share quarterly, but only if the accumulated amount is $50 or more. This revenue sharing shall not apply to contributions made for a specific purpose.


(1). If the collected, accumulated share for an unaffiliated county exceeds $50.00, the Executive Committee shall have the authority to approve utilization of funds in excess of the $50 minimum for affiliate formation and promotion purposes in the specific unaffiliated county from where the funds were drawn.


(2) The Executive Committee shall not authorize any expenditure that would reduce the collected, accumulated unaffiliated county funds below $50.00 for any specific county.

Section 5 – The chair of the LPF-EC is authorized to spend, at the chairs sole discretion, up to $250 per month without prior approval for any LPF business need.  The chair shall be required to account and report with proper documentation including at a minimum of receipts all expenditures to the entire LPF-EC, for all expenses at the first business meeting after the prior month for such expenditures in that prior month.


The chair may submit proper documentation for reimbursement to the treasurer for such expenses if the chair makes payments from personal funds.  Such reimbursements shall also be reported as any other expense.


In no event shall the chair spend more than $200 before a report is made to the LPF-EC.


The money not spent in prior months shall not be added to subsequent months.


Article III Operation First Step Incentive Program


Section 1. Purpose. The LPF establishes the Operation First Step Incentive Program to directly assist its affiliates with funding to achieve their local goals by providing a financial incentive to affiliates for members who are appointed to public office and join certain community service organizations.


Section 2. Timing. Funds awarded to an affiliate will cause a payment by the LPF Treasurer to the affiliate within 60 days after confirmation by the LPF EC of the Award earned by the LPF EC.


Section 3. Applying for an Award. Affiliates or LPF registered voters must submit requests for an Award with evidence to the LPF Chair, LPF Treasurer and their Regional Representative. 


Evidence of an Appointment can include an official letter of appointment, a saved copy of a government website listing a member’s appointed status, or a media publication announcing or referencing a member’s appointed status. Other forms of evidence of an Appointment is acceptable at the discretion of the LPF EC.

The LPF EC will approve the achievement of each Award at the EC meeting following the submission of a request by an affiliate with evidence of an Appointment.


Section 4. Award for Appointments. 


Awards for Municipal (<100,000 population) or County (<250,000 population) Board Appointments: $200 for the first Board Appointment for each separate LPF voter


$100 for each additional concurrently held Appointment by the same LPF voter

$100 for each re-Appointment to a Board by the same LPF voter


$100 additional to above for service as the presiding member of a Board (except for temporary assignment to fill in for the usual presiding member)


Awards for Municipal (>100,000 population) or County (>250,000 population) or any Regional (multi-county) Board Appointments:


$300 for the first Board Appointment for each separate LPF voter


$200 for each additional concurrently held Appointment by the same LPF voter 


$200 for each re-Appointment to a Board by the same LPF voter


$300 additional to above for service as the presiding member of a Board (except for temporary assignment to fill in for the usual presiding member)


Awards for State Board or any Gubernatorial Appointments:


$400 for the first Board Appointment for each separate LPF voter


$200 for each additional concurrently held Appointment by the same LPF voter


$200 for each re-Appointment to a Board by the same LPF voter


$300 additional to above for service as the presiding member of a Board (except for temporary assignment to fill in for the usual presiding member)


Section 5. Retroactive Awards. In the case of Appointments or Memberships by LPF voters earned in the previous 365 days from the effective date of this rule or in a county with a new county affiliate, the LPF EC will honor applications for a retroactive Award according to Section 3 of this rule.


Section 6. Definitions.

Appointments (Appointed) are served when a LPF voter takes the oath of office and is accepted as a voting member on a Board for a partial or full term OR switches party affiliation to LPF during a term on a Board.


Awards are cash payments to LPF affiliates for EC approved achievement of an Appointment or Membership in a Service Organization.


Board is a government created and maintained board of citizens whose members are appointed by either an elected public official or by vote of the current board members composed of at least half the membership appointed by elected public officials. Boards can be temporarily impaneled for a specified purpose, for example, charter review or redistricting.


Program refers to the Operation First Step Incentive Program.


Service Organizations are voluntary membership, non-profit groups organized locally to support their community through charitable activities, including fundraising for charity by charging to participate in events. The approved organizations are Rotary, Kiwanis, Optimist, Lions clubs; Loyal Order of the Moose (and its affiliated membership programs); and Chamber of Commerce. Other organizations will need case-by-case approval of the LPF EC. Usually, clubs like Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion, Toastmasters, Masonic Lodges and religious organizations / churches are not Service Organizations with broad membership access and service to the community.


Membership in Service Organizations to earn Awards must be voluntary (not for compensation) and paid enrollment (minimum one year period) with some form of proof of acceptance by the Service Organization. Evidence of the nature of the Service Organization may be requested (if not an approved Service Organization), such as the charter or mission statement (probably via website). LPF expects the voter qualifying for the award to attend at least one Service Organization meeting per quarter.


LPF EC is the Libertarian Party of Florida Executive Committee.

The financial liability to the LPF will be a maximum of $6,500 to be expended with the approval of the LPF EC.


ARTICLE III IV County Affiliates


Section 1. Any county may call an organizational meeting to affiliate with the LPF.


Section 2. The Constitution and Bylaws of the LPF must be approved by a majority vote.


Section 3. An application for affiliation must be signed by the elected officers and filed with the LPF Secretary.


Section 4. Any additional Bylaws or Standing Rules adopted by the county affiliate may be filed with the LPF Secretary.


Section 5.  To continue affiliation, prior to April 1 of each year, County Affiliates are required to send to the LPF Secretary a current list of officers with their title, mail address, email address, phone number, and a copy of the annual audit required by their local county elections office.


Section 6. No county affiliate shall endorse a candidate for statewide office who has opposition by a candidate endorsed or nominated by the LPF.


Section 7. The county affiliate may petition the LPF or its officers or committees on any political matter.


Section 8. The LPF will recognize only one affiliate per county.


Section 9. (A.) All affiliates shall deposit any check(s) or monies once received from the LPF within 25 days. Any check(s) or monies not deposited in this time frame shall be subject to cancellation at the discretion of the LPF treasurer. Upon official cancellation of said check(s) and notification by email or letter to the affiliate, the LPF shall have no duty to resend the same check(s).

(B.) It shall be the duty of the treasurer or the deputy treasurer and the representative of the region the affiliate in question is located in, to verify that a check was received and when, lso, to verify what or if any action was taken within the 25 day time frame.  If there is no Representative for the region which the given affiliate is located, before or during the 25 day time frame, the treasurer may ask an At Large Director to assist in the verification process.

(C.) This Standing Rule should go into effect immediately in 2016 and have no expiration date. Nothing here shall prevent a future Executive Committee and/or the delegates at the The Annual Meeting from voting to modify or rescind this rule.

ARTICLE IV V Election of Officers, Directors, Candidates

Section 1.

All persons seeking party office, delegates to the national convention and nominees for the LPF slate of presidential electors must affirm the Non-aggression Principle, and must be verifiably registered Libertarian Party of Florida with the Florida Division of Elections.


Section 2.

  1. a) All candidates for public office who seek to address the delegation at the annual business meeting must notify the secretary of their intention to run by e-mail or in writing no later than 45 days prior to the annual business meeting.
  2. b) All Persons seeking party office who plan not to attend the annual business meeting must notify the secretary of their intention to run by e-mail or in writing no later than 14 days prior to the annual business meeting to be credentialed.
  3. c) Persons seeking party office and intending to attend the annual business meeting should notify the secretary of their intention to run by e-mail or in writing at least 14 days prior to the annual business meeting to document their intent to serve in case of their unexpected absence at the time of their nomination.
  4. d) Timely submission of the annual business meeting registration form, which shall include notice of nomination(s) sought shall suffice to convey intent.
  5. e) Nominee eligibility and intent to serve is established by attending nominee’s presentation of their delegate credentials, their name listed either on the secretary’s list of credentialed candidates for party office, or the secretary’s list of credentialed delegates in conjunction with an expression of intent as described in this section.


Section 3.

Delegates and Alternates to the National Convention of the Libertarian Party not otherwise elected at an LPF State Convention shall be approved by the LPF Chair and the LPF Secretary to be credentialed as delegates and alternates. Members of the LPF EC may be credentialed as ex officio delegates at any time. All delegates and alternates must be registered to vote as Libertarians in Florida and be members of the LPF.


Section 4.

Notice of all party meetings shall be provided and include the time, date, and place (or telephone conference number, internet URL, and login information where applicable) at least fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting date. Notice of meetings, including the above referenced information, shall be published on the official Libertarian Party of Florida website at at least fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting date.


Section 5.

In a presidential election year, the Executive Committee shall nominate presidential electors equal to the total number of U.S. Representatives and Senators in the State of Florida. The list of presidential elector nominees shall be presented to the Governor prior to September 1st, or as required by law.


Section 6.

All committee seats apportioned to Florida by the Libertarian National Committee shall be filled by current LPF registered voters who are Members of the Florida Libertarian Party and who are also members of the National Party with appointment by the state chair and confirmation by the state executive committee. Appointees may be recalled by a two-thirds vote of the full state executive committee.


Section 7. In a presidential election year, the Executive Committee shall nominate presidential electors equal to the total number of U.S. Representatives and Senators in the State of Florida. The list of presidential elector nominees shall be presented to the Governor prior to September 1st, or as required by law.


Section 8.  All committee seats apportioned to Florida by the Libertarian National Committee shall be filled by current LPF registered voters who are Members of the Florida Libertarian Party and who are also members of the National Party with appointment by the state chair and confirmation by the state executive committee.  Appointees may be recalled by majority vote of the full state executive committee.


ARTICLE V VI Executive Committee Meetings


Section 1. The Executive Committee shall meet at such time and place as directed by the Chairperson, or at the written request of one-third or more of the Executive Committee, or by the written request of a county affiliate. Notice shall be given in such manner to insure a quorum.


Section 2. The Executive Committee may without meeting, conduct business by communication, voting on questions put to them by or with the approval of the chairperson. Such vote shall be kept by the Secretary until the next meeting and then such vote shall be incorporated in the minutes. A majority vote of the committee shall prevail. If a majority of affirmative votes is not recorded within fifteen (15) days, the question will have failed to pass. (Amended by the Executive Committee, 7-10-93)


Section 3. Per state law, proxy voting shall be allowed, provided an executive committee member’s written (email permitted) notice of proxy is received by 

both the secretary and the chair no later than 24 hours prior to each meeting. The secretary will announce all proxies during the initial roll call of members at each meeting. The presence of the member at a meeting will invalidate that member’s proxy. A valid proxy shall count as attendance for purposes of establishing a quorum. Only executive committee members in good standing may serve as proxies and no member may serve as proxy for more than one other member. Members may vote on specific questions in absentia by written notice. Participating in meetings via telephony and other electronic means is allowed.


Section 4. Non-attendance of executive committee members shall be handled as described in this section.


  1. A) A member shall be deemed to be in non-attendance if, at a regularly scheduled Executive Committee meeting, the member fails to respond during roll call, or having missed roll call, fails to announce his or her presence before the meeting is adjourned.
  2. B) A members non-attendance may be excused, and thus not counted for purposes of part A of this section by declaration of the chair.
  3. C) When a member reaches the proscribed terms to be construed as resigned that resignation shall be accepted only upon successful motion to accept that resignation made by any member of the Executive Committee. Any such resigned member shall be removed from the Executive Committee without prejudice to future appointment or election to the Executive Committee.
  4. D) The secretary shall maintain and make available attendance records of all Executive Committee members.
  5. E)  Members are required to announce if they are leaving early. Failure to do so will be considered an absence.
  6. F)  Excepting excusals as provided for in statute, no more than two absences by any Executive Committee member may be considered excused in any consecutive 12 month period.


Section 5. After 3 contiguous months of gross income over $5000. before the start of each Executive Committee meeting, The Treasurer shall provide in writing the most current balance sheet, statement of operations, and statement of cash flows, either physically for in person meetings, or electronically for all other regularly scheduled meetings. The Treasurer shall in addition provide a report that reconciles all financial data reported to any state or federal entity with the same financial statements provided above.


Section 6. Members of the Executive Committee must submit prior to midnight of the 5th day preceding a regularly scheduled executive committee meeting, per Article V Section 1 of the standing rules, any motions to be included by the secretary in the agenda.


This section shall not be construed to impair the Members’ normal rights to propose motions, nor construed to impair Members’ ability to conduct business under Article V Section 2 of the same.


Section 7.  Motions put before the executive committee that authorize expenditure of funds shall include a statement of the maximum direct financial liability incurred if the motion were to pass. If the financial liability is unknown or unable to be calculated, then the motion shall include a statement that the financial liability is unknown and therefore unbounded.


ARTICLE VI VII Convention Rules


Section 1. A minority report may be made by two members or 10% of the committee on any plank of the platform or changes under the Rules Committee. There shall be a limit of two minority reports on any one of the items. The highest number of votes shall determine the rank of the reports.


Section 2. The Chairperson of the committee shall decide the order of business and the appearance of persons before the committee. 


ARTICLE VII VIII Spokesmanship


Section 1. The Chairperson shall speak for and at the direction of the Executive Committee and the Party.


Section 2. Persons speaking for the LPF shall have the express approval of the Chairperson or reserve their comments to personal comments.


ARTICLE VII IX Proprietary Use of ‘LPF’ (Entire Article added at NOV 2007 Executive Committee Meeting)


Section 1. In recognition of the fact that the label “LPF” is frequently used to refer to the Libertarian Party of Florida, the members of the the LPF should adhere to the following guidelines:


  1. Any website, discussion forum, email list server, or other similar entity, including, but not limited to, Yahoo groups and Google groups (hereinafter “web entities”) that use the label “LPF” in its name shall be owned and operated only by current members of the Executive Committee of the Libertarian Party of Florida and its recognized affiliates;


  1. Each web entity shall be owned, when practicable, by three current members of the Executive Committee of the Libertarian Party of Florida, one of which shall include the current Chair of the Libertarian Party of Florida, and, if the web entity is limited in scope to a county where an affiliate is recognized, the Chair of the local affiliate of the Libertarian Party of Florida;


  1. If ownership cannot be practically shared due to the nature of the web entity, the Chair of the Libertarian Party of Florida, and, if applicable, the Chair of any local affiliate, shall be moderators of the web entity;


  1. If the conditions of b. and c. cannot be satisfied, the operator or owner of the web entity shall seek the written authorization of the Chair of the Libertarian Party of Florida, and, if applicable, the Chair of any local affiliate to create or continue operating said web entity.


  1. If any member operates a web entity that frequently includes discussion that references the LPF or could reasonably be mistaken by a member of the general public as authorized communication by the LPF, such member should cause to be included within the web entity a disclaimer similar to the following in form and meaning: “The contents of this site (group, etc.) are not authorized or approved by the the Libertarian Party of Florida or any of its affiliates.


Section 2. The LPF recognizes and respects the rights of others to use the label “LPF” to accurately refer to the Libertarian Party of Florida. The LPF also asserts its right to maintain control over any use of the label “LPF” that may cause confusion as to the source and authenticity of any content included in any web entity.


Section 3. The LPF, through the Chair, shall designate members to serve as owners and moderators of web entities. Said members will serve in such roles at the discretion of the Chair and may be removed from such position at any time by the Chair.


Section 4. The owners of any web entity shall have the authority to terminate said entity, but shall take all reasonable action to preserve the contents and history of such web entity prior to its termination.


Section 5. The owners and moderators of any web entity should establish and publish policies consistent with the purposes of the web entity and consistently enforce said policies. Said enforcement should be at the discretion of the owners or moderators, subject to the authority of the Chair of the Libertarian Party of Florida to remove and change the owners or moderators of any web entity.


Section 6. All archives, document stores, electronic data, etc. that were created by, at the direction of, or authorized by the LPF remain its property and such archive or web entity should be owned and operated as directed in 1. However, the LPF expressly acknowledges the right of any person to compile and publish public information, so long as the compilation or publication cannot be reasonably mistaken as action taken by or authorized by the LPF.


ARTICLE IX X Annual Convention Agenda


Section 1. The Executive Committee shall manage all conventions.


Section 2. Any members may request the Executive Committee to include on the agenda any item. Such request shall be in writing to the Chairperson thirty (30) days prior to the convention, or within seven (7) days following the announced date and place of the convention, whichever is closest to the convention date.


Section 3. The agenda must include all items required by the Bylaws and Standing Rules.


Section 4. The Rules Committee may establish and publish convention rules to supplement existing requirements and Standing Rules. The Chairperson may exercise this right unless one third of the delegates object.


ARTICLE X XI Annual Convention 


Special meetings of the LPF may be called by the Executive Committee or by two (2) county affiliates, or by twenty-five percent (25%) of the county affiliates, whichever is the largest.

ARTICLE XI XII Annual Convention Delegates & Procedures


Section 1. Motions to be offered in the business meetings should be reduced to writing, signed by the maker and seconded, and filed with the Secretary; , except for routine matters, agenda items, short wording, or with leave of the Chairperson to omit written motions.


Section 2. When called for by the agenda for the Annual Business Meeting, the delegates present shall caucus together for the LPF Region in which they are registered to vote and shall elect its Regional Representative.


Section 3. The Annual Meeting Minutes (after approval by the Executive Committee) as well as any Committee reports to the Annual Meeting, including amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws, shall be made accessible to the membership in a digital format no less than 14 days prior to the next Annual Meeting.


ARTICLE XII XIII Political Candidates 


Section 1. The Libertarian Party of Florida may provide financial and logistical campaign support, and conduct campaign activities only for official Libertarian Candidates as defined by Article IX in the LPF Constitution.


Section 2. The Executive Committee shall be the sole authority to authorize contributions to political candidates from LPF party funds, formally to endorse candidates in the state of Florida who are on the ballot for federal, state, or local political office, and to approve LPF contractual agreements with candidate campaigns. Logistics support and any other non-financial assistance to candidates may be provided by committees or by Executive Committee members at their discretion in accordance with the Constitution, Bylaws, and Standing Rules.

Section 3. County executive committees may endorse, certify, screen, or otherwise recommend one or more official Libertarian candidates as defined in the LPF Constitution for party nomination for election by a majority vote of the county executive committee at any business meeting called with proper notice prior to the qualifying date(s) for the candidate(s) pursuant to the requirements of F.S. 103.121(4).


Section 4. The Executive Committee shall make party nominations for political office when required by law, such as to replace a candidate that withdrew after becoming the party nominee. The party nomination shall be decided by an election by the Executive Committee.  Any Executive Committee member may nominate any LPF member who meets the criteria for an official Libertarian candidate, and “None of the Above” shall be an option for each election. The nominee receiving a majority vote at the business meeting shall become the party’s nominee for the office.  Should “None of the Above” receive a majority vote, the floor shall be opened again for nominations, and no previous nominee for this party nomination shall be nominated again. The Executive Committee shall continue these elections until it elects a party nominee.


ARTICLE XIII XIV Amendments To the Standing Rules


Section 1. Adoption of the Standing Rules will be consistent with the adoption of the Constitution.


Section 2. The Standing Rules may be changed by a majority vote of the delegates to the annual convention or by two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee.

ARTICLE I Membership


Section 1. The LPF shall supervise the efforts to provide party registration under state and federal voting laws.


Section 2. Members registered for the meetings have the privilege as a delegate voting at the Annual Business Meeting, the right of appointment to committees, the right to attend committee meetings as observers or witnesses, the right to nomination and election to party office, and the right to nomination to a office for which they are qualified by law.


Section 3. This membership shall be credentials for all meetings and Annual Business Meetings of the LPF and for membership in local affiliates, subject to procedures adopted by the county affiliates.


Section 4. The Membership Committee shall act to coordinate volunteers,


Section 5. LPF members who wish to run for partisan public office automatically satisfy all party affiliation requirements in section 99.021(1)(b), Florida Statutes.


ARTICLE II Donations


Section 1. Donations should be made to the LPF in keeping with the laws governing donations to political parties and candidates. Such funds shall be expended at the discretion of the Executive Committee.


Section 2: “The Executive Committee shall have authority to raise and expend funds for purposes relating to party business, in accordance with the party Bylaws, Article IV.


Section 3. The Executive Committee may delegate authority to the Chair to expend funds relating to party business.


Section 4a. – The Treasurer shall account for the amount due and disperse the affiliate’s share quarterly, but only if the accumulated amount is $50 or more. This revenue sharing shall not apply to contributions made for a specific purpose.


(1). If the collected, accumulated share for an unaffiliated county exceeds $50.00, the Executive Committee shall have the authority to approve utilization of funds in excess of the $50 minimum for affiliate formation and promotion purposes in the specific unaffiliated county from where the funds were drawn.


(2) The Executive Committee shall not authorize any expenditure that would reduce the collected, accumulated unaffiliated county funds below $50.00 for any specific county.

Section 5 – The chair of the LPF-EC is authorized to spend, at the chairs sole discretion, up to $250 per month without prior approval for any LPF business need.  The chair shall be required to account and report with proper documentation including at a minimum of receipts all expenditures to the entire LPF-EC, for all expenses at the first business meeting after the prior month for such expenditures in that prior month.


The chair may submit proper documentation for reimbursement to the treasurer for such expenses if the chair makes payments from personal funds.  Such reimbursements shall also be reported as any other expense.


In no event shall the chair spend more than $200 before a report is made to the LPF-EC.


The money not spent in prior months shall not be added to subsequent months.


ARTICLE III County Affiliates


Section 1. Any county may call an organizational meeting to affiliate with the LPF.


Section 2. The Constitution and Bylaws of the LPF must be approved by a majority vote.


Section 3. An application for affiliation must be signed by the elected officers and filed with the LPF Secretary.


Section 4. Any additional Bylaws or Standing Rules adopted by the county affiliate may be filed with the LPF Secretary.


Section 5.  To continue affiliation, prior to April 1 of each year, County Affiliates are required to send to the LPF Secretary a current list of officers with their title, mail address, email address, phone number, and a copy of the annual audit required by their local county elections office.


Section 6. No county affiliate shall endorse a candidate for statewide office who has opposition by a candidate endorsed or nominated by the LPF.


Section 7. The county affiliate may petition the LPF or its officers or committees on any political matter.


Section 8. The LPF will recognize only one affiliate per county.


Section 9. (A.) All affiliates shall deposit any check(s) or monies once received from the LPF within 25 days. Any check(s) or monies not deposited in this time frame shall be subject to cancellation at the discretion of the LPF treasurer. Upon official cancellation of said check(s) and notification by email or letter to the affiliate, the LPF shall have no duty to resend the same check(s).

(B.) It shall be the duty of the treasurer or the deputy treasurer and the representative of the region the affiliate in question is located in, to verify that a check was received and when, lso, to verify what or if any action was taken within the 25 day time frame.  If there is no Representative for the region which the given affiliate is located, before or during the 25 day time frame, the treasurer may ask an At Large Director to assist in the verification process.

(C.) This Standing Rule should go into effect immediately in 2016 and have no expiration date. Nothing here shall prevent a future Executive Committee and/or the delegates at the The Annual Meeting from voting to modify or rescind this rule.

ARTICLE IV Election of Officers, Directors, Candidates

Section 1.

All persons seeking party office, delegates to the national convention and nominees for the LPF slate of presidential electors must affirm the Non-aggression Principle, and must be verifiably registered Libertarian Party of Florida with the Florida Division of Elections.


Section 2.

  1. a) All candidates for public office who seek to address the delegation at the annual business meeting must notify the secretary of their intention to run by e-mail or in writing no later than 45 days prior to the annual business meeting.
  2. b) All Persons seeking party office who plan not to attend the annual business meeting must notify the secretary of their intention to run by e-mail or in writing no later than 14 days prior to the annual business meeting to be credentialed.
  3. c) Persons seeking party office and intending to attend the annual business meeting should notify the secretary of their intention to run by e-mail or in writing at least 14 days prior to the annual business meeting to document their intent to serve in case of their unexpected absence at the time of their nomination.
  4. d) Timely submission of the annual business meeting registration form, which shall include notice of nomination(s) sought shall suffice to convey intent.
  5. e) Nominee eligibility and intent to serve is established by attending nominee’s presentation of their delegate credentials, their name listed either on the secretary’s list of credentialed candidates for party office, or the secretary’s list of credentialed delegates in conjunction with an expression of intent as described in this section.


Section 3.

Delegates and Alternates to the National Convention of the Libertarian Party not otherwise elected at an LPF State Convention shall be approved by the LPF Chair and the LPF Secretary to be credentialed as delegates and alternates. Members of the LPF EC may be credentialed as ex officio delegates at any time. All delegates and alternates must be registered to vote as Libertarians in Florida and be members of the LPF.


Section 4.

Notice of all party meetings shall be provided and include the time, date, and place (or telephone conference number, internet URL, and login information where applicable) at least fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting date. Notice of meetings, including the above referenced information, shall be published on the official Libertarian Party of Florida website at at least fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting date.


Section 5.

In a presidential election year, the Executive Committee shall nominate presidential electors equal to the total number of U.S. Representatives and Senators in the State of Florida. The list of presidential elector nominees shall be presented to the Governor prior to September 1st, or as required by law.


Section 6.

All committee seats apportioned to Florida by the Libertarian National Committee shall be filled by current LPF registered voters who are Members of the Florida Libertarian Party and who are also members of the National Party with appointment by the state chair and confirmation by the state executive committee. Appointees may be recalled by a two-thirds vote of the full state executive committee.


Section 7. In a presidential election year, the Executive Committee shall nominate presidential electors equal to the total number of U.S. Representatives and Senators in the State of Florida. The list of presidential elector nominees shall be presented to the Governor prior to September 1st, or as required by law.


Section 8.  All committee seats apportioned to Florida by the Libertarian National Committee shall be filled by current LPF registered voters who are Members of the Florida Libertarian Party and who are also members of the National Party with appointment by the state chair and confirmation by the state executive committee.  Appointees may be recalled by majority vote of the full state executive committee.


ARTICLE V Executive Committee Meetings


Section 1. The Executive Committee shall meet at such time and place as directed by the Chairperson, or at the written request of one-third or more of the Executive Committee, or by the written request of a county affiliate. Notice shall be given in such manner to insure a quorum.


Section 2. The Executive Committee may without meeting, conduct business by communication, voting on questions put to them by or with the approval of the chairperson. Such vote shall be kept by the Secretary until the next meeting and then such vote shall be incorporated in the minutes. A majority vote of the committee shall prevail. If a majority of affirmative votes is not recorded within fifteen (15) days, the question will have failed to pass. (Amended by the Executive Committee, 7-10-93)


Section 3. Per state law, proxy voting shall be allowed, provided an executive committee member’s written (email permitted) notice of proxy is received by 

both the secretary and the chair no later than 24 hours prior to each meeting. The secretary will announce all proxies during the initial roll call of members at each meeting. The presence of the member at a meeting will invalidate that member’s proxy. A valid proxy shall count as attendance for purposes of establishing a quorum. Only executive committee members in good standing may serve as proxies and no member may serve as proxy for more than one other member. Members may vote on specific questions in absentia by written notice. Participating in meetings via telephony and other electronic means is allowed.


Section 4. Non-attendance of executive committee members shall be handled as described in this section.


  1. A) A member shall be deemed to be in non-attendance if, at a regularly scheduled Executive Committee meeting, the member fails to respond during roll call, or having missed roll call, fails to announce his or her presence before the meeting is adjourned.
  2. B) A members non-attendance may be excused, and thus not counted for purposes of part A of this section by declaration of the chair.
  3. C) When a member reaches the proscribed terms to be construed as resigned that resignation shall be accepted only upon successful motion to accept that resignation made by any member of the Executive Committee. Any such resigned member shall be removed from the Executive Committee without prejudice to future appointment or election to the Executive Committee.
  4. D) The secretary shall maintain and make available attendance records of all Executive Committee members.
  5. E)  Members are required to announce if they are leaving early. Failure to do so will be considered an absence.
  6. F)  Excepting excusals as provided for in statute, no more than two absences by any Executive Committee member may be considered excused in any consecutive 12 month period.


Section 5. After 3 contiguous months of gross income over $5000. before the start of each Executive Committee meeting, The Treasurer shall provide in writing the most current balance sheet, statement of operations, and statement of cash flows, either physically for in person meetings, or electronically for all other regularly scheduled meetings. The Treasurer shall in addition provide a report that reconciles all financial data reported to any state or federal entity with the same financial statements provided above.


Section 6. Members of the Executive Committee must submit prior to midnight of the 5th day preceding a regularly scheduled executive committee meeting, per Article V Section 1 of the standing rules, any motions to be included by the secretary in the agenda.


This section shall not be construed to impair the Members’ normal rights to propose motions, nor construed to impair Members’ ability to conduct business under Article V Section 2 of the same.


Section 7.  Motions put before the executive committee that authorize expenditure of funds shall include a statement of the maximum direct financial liability incurred if the motion were to pass. If the financial liability is unknown or unable to be calculated, then the motion shall include a statement that the financial liability is unknown and therefore unbounded.


ARTICLE VI Convention Rules


Section 1. A minority report may be made by two members or 10% of the committee on any plank of the platform or changes under the Rules Committee. There shall be a limit of two minority reports on any one of the items. The highest number of votes shall determine the rank of the reports.


Section 2. The Chairperson of the committee shall decide the order of business and the appearance of persons before the committee. 


ARTICLE VII Spokesmanship


Section 1. The Chairperson shall speak for and at the direction of the Executive Committee and the Party.


Section 2. Persons speaking for the LPF shall have the express approval of the Chairperson or reserve their comments to personal comments.


ARTICLE VII Proprietary Use of ‘LPF’ (Entire Article added at NOV 2007 Executive Committee Meeting)


Section 1. In recognition of the fact that the label “LPF” is frequently used to refer to the Libertarian Party of Florida, the members of the the LPF should adhere to the following guidelines:


  1. Any website, discussion forum, email list server, or other similar entity, including, but not limited to, Yahoo groups and Google groups (hereinafter “web entities”) that use the label “LPF” in its name shall be owned and operated only by current members of the Executive Committee of the Libertarian Party of Florida and its recognized affiliates;


  1. Each web entity shall be owned, when practicable, by three current members of the Executive Committee of the Libertarian Party of Florida, one of which shall include the current Chair of the Libertarian Party of Florida, and, if the web entity is limited in scope to a county where an affiliate is recognized, the Chair of the local affiliate of the Libertarian Party of Florida;


  1. If ownership cannot be practically shared due to the nature of the web entity, the Chair of the Libertarian Party of Florida, and, if applicable, the Chair of any local affiliate, shall be moderators of the web entity;


  1. If the conditions of b. and c. cannot be satisfied, the operator or owner of the web entity shall seek the written authorization of the Chair of the Libertarian Party of Florida, and, if applicable, the Chair of any local affiliate to create or continue operating said web entity.


  1. If any member operates a web entity that frequently includes discussion that references the LPF or could reasonably be mistaken by a member of the general public as authorized communication by the LPF, such member should cause to be included within the web entity a disclaimer similar to the following in form and meaning: “The contents of this site (group, etc.) are not authorized or approved by the the Libertarian Party of Florida or any of its affiliates.


Section 2. The LPF recognizes and respects the rights of others to use the label “LPF” to accurately refer to the Libertarian Party of Florida. The LPF also asserts its right to maintain control over any use of the label “LPF” that may cause confusion as to the source and authenticity of any content included in any web entity.


Section 3. The LPF, through the Chair, shall designate members to serve as owners and moderators of web entities. Said members will serve in such roles at the discretion of the Chair and may be removed from such position at any time by the Chair.


Section 4. The owners of any web entity shall have the authority to terminate said entity, but shall take all reasonable action to preserve the contents and history of such web entity prior to its termination.


Section 5. The owners and moderators of any web entity should establish and publish policies consistent with the purposes of the web entity and consistently enforce said policies. Said enforcement should be at the discretion of the owners or moderators, subject to the authority of the Chair of the Libertarian Party of Florida to remove and change the owners or moderators of any web entity.


Section 6. All archives, document stores, electronic data, etc. that were created by, at the direction of, or authorized by the LPF remain its property and such archive or web entity should be owned and operated as directed in 1. However, the LPF expressly acknowledges the right of any person to compile and publish public information, so long as the compilation or publication cannot be reasonably mistaken as action taken by or authorized by the LPF.


ARTICLE IX Annual Convention Agenda


Section 1. The Executive Committee shall manage all conventions.


Section 2. Any members may request the Executive Committee to include on the agenda any item. Such request shall be in writing to the Chairperson thirty (30) days prior to the convention, or within seven (7) days following the announced date and place of the convention, whichever is closest to the convention date.


Section 3. The agenda must include all items required by the Bylaws and Standing Rules.


Section 4. The Rules Committee may establish and publish convention rules to supplement existing requirements and Standing Rules. The Chairperson may exercise this right unless one third of the delegates object.


ARTICLE X Annual Convention 

Special meetings of the LPF may be called by the Executive Committee or by two (2) county affiliates, or by twenty-five percent (25%) of the county affiliates, whichever is the largest.

ARTICLE XI Annual Convention Delegates & Procedures


Section 1. Motions to be offered in the business meetings should be reduced to writing, signed by the maker and seconded, and filed with the Secretary; , except for routine matters, agenda items, short wording, or with leave of the Chairperson to omit written motions.


Section 2. When called for by the agenda for the Annual Business Meeting, the delegates present shall caucus together for the LPF Region in which they are registered to vote and shall elect its Regional Representative.


Section 3. The Annual Meeting Minutes (after approval by the Executive Committee) as well as any Committee reports to the Annual Meeting, including amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws, shall be made accessible to the membership in a digital format no less than 14 days prior to the next Annual Meeting.


ARTICLE XII Political Candidates 


Section 1. The Libertarian Party of Florida may provide financial and logistical campaign support, and conduct campaign activities only for official Libertarian Candidates as defined by Article IX in the LPF Constitution.


Section 2. The Executive Committee shall be the sole authority to authorize contributions to political candidates from LPF party funds, formally to endorse candidates in the state of Florida who are on the ballot for federal, state, or local political office, and to approve LPF contractual agreements with candidate campaigns. Logistics support and any other non-financial assistance to candidates may be provided by committees or by Executive Committee members at their discretion in accordance with the Constitution, Bylaws, and Standing Rules.

Section 3. County executive committees may endorse, certify, screen, or otherwise recommend one or more official Libertarian candidates as defined in the LPF Constitution for party nomination for election by a majority vote of the county executive committee at any business meeting called with proper notice prior to the qualifying date(s) for the candidate(s) pursuant to the requirements of F.S. 103.121(4).


Section 4. The Executive Committee shall make party nominations for political office when required by law, such as to replace a candidate that withdrew after becoming the party nominee. The party nomination shall be decided by an election by the Executive Committee.  Any Executive Committee member may nominate any LPF member who meets the criteria for an official Libertarian candidate, and “None of the Above” shall be an option for each election. The nominee receiving a majority vote at the business meeting shall become the party’s nominee for the office.  Should “None of the Above” receive a majority vote, the floor shall be opened again for nominations, and no previous nominee for this party nomination shall be nominated again. The Executive Committee shall continue these elections until it elects a party nominee.


ARTICLE XIII Amendments To the Standing Rules


Section 1. Adoption of the Standing Rules will be consistent with the adoption of the Constitution.


Section 2. The Standing Rules may be changed by a majority vote of the delegates to the annual convention or by two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee.