Absent From Meeting:
Russ Wood, At Large 2
Stacey Selleck, Region 8
Darlene Underwood, Region 10
Robert Enright, Region 12
- Alison Foxall motioned to approve the affiliation of Sarasota County. Seconded by Joshua Folsom. Motion passed unanimously.
- Audrey Capozzi motioned to approve the affiliation of Indian River County. Seconded by Alison Foxall. Motion passed unanimously.
- Appointment of Paul Stanton as Region 7 Representative carried with 1 Nay vote.
- Marc Tancer Motioned to Approve Expenditure for AV Equipment for Annual Business Meeting. Seconded by Joshua Folsom. Motion passed unanimously.
- James Chipman Motioned to Allot 2 hours During the Annual Convention Agenda for Platform. Seconded by Ryan Ramsey. Motion was withdrawn by mover and seconder.
- Suzanne Gilmore Motioned to approve Revised LPF Ann Bus Meeting 2016 Minutes. Seconded by Alison Foxall. Motion to approve revised minutes passed unanimously.