April 2nd, 2017


Minutes (draft)

Absent From Meeting

James Campbell, Region 1 (Excused)
Stacey Selleck, Region 8


  • Char-Lez Braden requested the addition of a motion to appoint the Chairperson to represent the LPF in mediation with Augustus S. Invictus. Agenda as amended was approved without objection.
  • Char-Lez Braden’s motion to accept de facto resignation of Stacey Selleck as Regional Representative 8 for 6 unexcused absences from twice-monthly meetings was seconded by Alison Foxall. Motion passed with 1 abstaining.
  • Char-Lez Braden’s Motion to accept de facto resignation of Darlene Underwood as Regional Representative 10 for 6 unexcused absences from twice-monthly meetings was seconded by Alison Foxall. Paul Stanton objected to consideration of the question.  ⅔ vote required.
    Ayes (6): Recuero, J. Morris, Wood, Chipman, Stanton,Underwood
    Nays (11): Gilmore, Foxall, Tancer, A, Morris, Folsom, Ramsey, Okyay, Lebovitz, Capozzi, Dickey, Nekhaila
    Abstain (1): Enright
    Motion to accept de facto resignation of Darlene Underwood failed with one abstention.
  • Char-Lez Braden’s motion to appoint the Chairperson to represent the LPF in mediation with Augustus S. Invictus was seconded by Joshua Folsom. Motion passed with 1 objection.
  • Char-Lez Braden’s motion to remove Jo Ann Vaccarino, Macy John, Brian Cole, Richard Molek, Dayton Vause, Jon-Luc Tesky, Brandy Berry, Zach Elliott, Richard Keeley, Wendy Pagoda, Wesley Wilson, and Lynn House as members of the Membership Committee was seconded by James Morris. Motion passed without objection.
  • Char-Lez Braden’s motion to appoint Chris Rose II, Michael Stephen Cummons, Raymond McGee, Jennifer Mitchell, and Jay Wood as members of the Membership Committee was seconded by Ryan Ramsey. Motion passed without objection.
  • Char-Lez Braden’s motion to Affiliate St. Johns County. Motion passed without objection.
  • Consent Agenda Items – Changes to Constitution and By-Laws for presentation to delegates at the Annual Business Meeting. Motions: 477, 478, 479, 480, and 481. Motion passed without objection.
  • Alison Foxall motioned to accept the resignation of some communications committee members. Seconded by Suzanne Gilmore. Motion passed without objection.
  • Steven Nekhaila motioned to Allocate the LPMD $500 to Seed the Miami Leaks Project. Seconded by Joshua Folsom. Disposition:
    Ayes (7) Recuero, Folsom, Ramsey, Chipman, Stanton, Underwood, Nekhaila.
    Nays (10) J. Morris, Gilmore, Foxall, Wood, Tancer, A. Morris, Okyay, Lebovitz, Capozzi, Dickey
    No response (1) Enright.
    Motion Failed.
  • Joshua Folsom withdrew his motion, 483.
  • Paul Stanton moved to Censure of the Regional Representative for Region Four, Ryan Ramsey. The motion did not receive a second.
  • Suzanne Gilmore withdrew her motion, 485.